
So Crafty

I stumbled across a bunch of vintage photographs in a desk drawer at my mom's place. How she could keep these treasures hidden from view leaves me puzzled. After a healthy round of begging, I was able to convince her that they would be put to better use in my possession.

Small clothespins and a bit of twine is all that was needed to create a crafty homage to the 60's, 70's and 80's. The latter two definitely being two of the best decades that have come to pass.

I did an installation on two walls. One was done in a small corner near my nightstand, in between a window and a wall.

Photos of my mom and baby Me are mostly here.

She is very beautiful, no?

The other installation was placed above my dresser.

A photograph of my dad's college graduation. Some time in the 70's, I believe.

The one of me with a pink background is my favorite here. Slightly narcissistic, I know.


  1. What a great way to display photos. I think I might try something similar. You should scan the photo of your mother in the yellow dress. Urban Outfitters is having a original style icon contest, where you submit vintage pictures of your mom. That one would be perfect.

  2. 'ello! love your old photos!
    I love the way you're displaying them

  3. Hey thanks! Man too bad I missed the UO contest!


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