I wrote a poem inspired by fall. It's a good thing I wrote it when the inspiration struck, because a storm swept across the Bay Area and knocked the remaining leaves off all the trees.
Wide Eyes stood still beneath the falling leaves
Beside her half, whose fingers reach for more.
With eyelids shut, she felt the fragile breeze.
They witnessed autumn have its way. Most trees
Were bare, chestnut and almond painted the floor.
Wide Eyes stood still beneath the falling leaves
And watched her half leap to catch them with ease.
Memories fell and grew crisp to their core.
With eyelids shut, she felt the fragile breeze
Find it’s way to niches kept still by boundaries
That few had the cunning to cross before.
Wide Eyes stood still beneath the falling leaves
And silently begged for her half to believe
The two of them would always find a way ashore.
With eyelids shut, she felt the fragile breeze
And inhaled the faint scent of the dormant trees
Beside her half, whose laughter made them soar.
Wide Eyes stood still beneath the falling leaves
With eyelids shut. She felt the fragile breeze.